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Heads of EPAs (HEPA) Science Symposium

Working for EPA Victoria which was the Secretariat for the Heads of EPAs (HEPA), we helped them deliver the first ever cross-jurisdictional science symposium for all 10 of the jurisdictions (Australian Govt, all States, New Zealand + both Territories).



What we did

  • Working with HEPA national science symposium subcommittee, we co-designed the symposium content and process to deliver on the needs of the EPAs.

  • Assisted with external keynote speakers for this two-day symposium done in person in Melbourne, Victoria.

  • Assisted with the process to prioritise a longer list of “issues” into a tighter short-list of scientific knowledge gaps needing action to enable EPAs to deliver their regulatory role.

  • Collated and worked with sub-groups from the symposium to turn the outputs in the draft Actions Plans for tabling at HEPA for consideration.

The Result

The first ever HEPA science symposium featured participants from all 10 jurisdictions, and ran over two days in Melbourne. Draft Action Plans were created and fed into a National process aligned with the HEPA Strategic Plan 2022-25. For more information about HEPA, click here.


Contact us


+61 (0) 418 393 489


PO Box 46, Fairfield VIC Australia 3078

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